Outlast 2 Review – Sinister Transitions (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Outlast 2 Review – Sinister Transitions (PS4)

The original Outlast impressed many with its expertly-crafted ambiance, and nerve-wracking moments in a game where your only choices for survival are to run and/or hide. Over three years later, Outlast 2 sets out to take everything that terrified players in the first game, and amplify it with a new setting, new characters, and new chances to scare you silly. Time to find out if the wait was worth it in our review.
A New Frontier
In Outlast 2, You play as Blake Langermann, an investigate journalist and cameraman, who finds himself and wife Lynn en route to an extremely remote section of the Sonoran Desert in the Southwestern United States. Naturally, this story taking place in the Outlast universe means things quickly go south. Your helicopter crash-lands, and you are treated to an incredibly hostile welcome by the locals. It’s a completely different location, and completely different characters, and yet, the gruesome new area feels vaguely familiar. One major change in Outlast 2 is that Blake talks, quite a lot. However, he is only really vocal during cutscenes. Most of the game revolves around you hiding and pacing your escape from various areas, and during these sections Blake stays quiet other than the obligatory breathing, panting, and grunting noises made as you traverse the many environments in which you find yourself. In a first-person game, there is always a risk of breaking immersion by having a character that is too talkative, so it is good to see a nice ba...
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