‘Florence’ Gets a Super Limited Vinyl Soundtrack Release - Videogames Blogs

‘Florence’ Gets a Super Limited Vinyl Soundtrack Release

A year ago now Florence ($3.99) was released to coincide with the Valentine’s Day holiday. (It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since then, but, here we are.) Since then, Florence has gotten loads of nods for being a great experience. We’ve got a review of it, Apple gave it an end of the year nod, and it’s popped up a bunch of other places. If you’ve never played Florence, it’s definitely very worth checking out as it’s incredibly topical for Valentine’s Day as it’s an interactive story about love. The best way I’ve come up with to describe it to friends of mine that I’ve recommended it to is Florence is this real cool blend of game-y elements in what feels like what the comic books of the future will feel like.
Anyway, to celebrate the first year of the game being around, Florence now has a super limited vinyl soundtrack release courtesy of iam8bit. Florence has some pretty good jams, and people are super into vinyl these days, so overall this seems pretty neat. Additionally, if you’re not that into Florence but like the idea of owning some tunes from your favorite games on vinyl, iam8bit has a huge selection.
I’m less of a vinyl guy and more of a pin dude, and they’ve got a bunch of those too.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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