‘SP!NG’ from SMG Studio Is This Week’s New Apple Arcade Release and It Is Out Now alongside a Major Update to ‘Frogger in Toy Town’ - Videogames Blogs

‘SP!NG’ from SMG Studio Is This Week’s New Apple Arcade Release and It Is Out Now alongside a Major Update to ‘Frogger in Toy Town’

Following last week’s major Sneaky Sasquatch update, SP!NG () from SMG Studio who brought No Way Home to Apple Arcade has launched on the service. SMG Studio’s releases are always worth checking out but I think my favourite recent game developed by SMG Studio (or alongside the studio) is Moving Out that I played on Xbox and Nintendo Switch. SP!NG is an interesting one touch avoidance game that has you swinging through levels to collect jewels and aim for a perfect score. Each level also has a start and exit portal with multiple anchors for you to spin around. Having played it for about an hour now, it is a nice pickup and play experience but some haptic feedback would’ve been nice. SP!NG is definitely one of the better recent additions to the service. It is available now here on Apple Arcade. Check out our forum thread for SP!NG here.
Alongside SP!NG’s release, Frogger in Toy Town from Konami and Q-Games just got a major update adding in a new endurance mode, capsule toys as a new collection item, the museum, login bonuses, and more. Frogger in Toy Town is one of the few Apple Arcade launch games that I keep going back to so it is great to see it get new content. With the likes of Fantasian, Wonderbox, Cozy Grove, and more coming soon, it is going to be interesting to see how Apple evolves Apple Arcade in 2021. Check out our forum thread for Frogger in Toy Town here. For all Apple Arcade related things, check out our dedicated Apple Arcade fo...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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