‘Super 80s World’ is an ’80s Nostalgia Bomb Platformer that’s Running a Beta Soon - Videogames Blogs

‘Super 80s World’ is an ’80s Nostalgia Bomb Platformer that’s Running a Beta Soon

There’s just something about the 1980s that people seem to love. I mean, I feel like that mostly extends to people who actually grew up in the ’80s in some capacity, and that neon colors and boombox beats just call back to that simpler time of their childhood. Because objectively speaking the ’80s was just? awful. Big hair, terrible clothing styles, questionable music. There was a lot of great stuff in the ’80s don’t get me wrong, but we can’t ignore all the bad. But you know what" As a child of the ’80s I absolutely LOVE all that terrible ’80s stuff, and I’m as guilty as anyone of squealing with joy over anything neon- and synthesize-soaked. Indie developer Tap Tap Good has a similar affinity for the ’80s, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video game that’s more of an homage to the ’80s than their upcoming game Super 80s World. Just check out the trailer.
So as you can see, you’ll play as a man named Dan Camaro (!) who is on a mission to prevent the nerdy Dr. Noid Wormser from using his machine to delete his most hated of all decades, the ’80s, year by year. Yes, the premise of Super 80s World is just as ridiculous as any number of ’80s action movies with just a dash of “rocker vs nerd" stereotype. It’s a runner style platformer where you’ll go through five levels each themed after a year of the first half of the ’80s collecting me...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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