Have a Hot Dog with Tom from ‘Shenmue’ in the Latest ‘SEGA Heroes’ Event - Videogames Blogs

Have a Hot Dog with Tom from ‘Shenmue’ in the Latest ‘SEGA Heroes’ Event

A few weeks back when Ryo Hazuki from SEGA’s Dreamcast classic Shenmue was added to its all-star puzzle-RPG SEGA Heroes (Free), I opted to engage in a little fun speculation as to who the remaining three characters from the game might be. SEGA tends to add characters from a brand in batches of four, after all. The first few from Shenmue felt easy enough to guess, but who would be the fourth" Jokingly, I suggested it might be Tom the Hot Dog Man.

How they're going to pull four characters from this is beyond me. Lan Di and Shenhua, probably. But who's the fourth" Tom the Hot Dog Guy"
— Shaun Musgrave (@ShaunMusgrave) June 6, 2019

They say even a broken clock is right twice a day, and that was one of those moments for me, I guess. We still don’t know the fourth Shenmue character’s identity, but the third is indeed Tom Johnson, the hot dog-selling pal of our hero Ryo. He’s making a very timely appearance, following up on the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest that was held yesterday. As with most new characters, he’s available through a chest you can buy using gems, or via Tom’s Hot Dogs, one of the events that kicked off today. Tom Johnson is an Epic Red Support hero. He’s an incredibly useful healer who would make a good addition to plenty of team builds. His MAX Skill is Hot Dog Vendor, which causes Tom to hand out hot dogs to his team, healing them, removing status ailments, and giving them f...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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