Hearthstone’s Descent of Dragons Expansion Is Now Live and Blizzard Just Revealed Some Details for the Finale to This Year’s Solo Adventure Story Arc - Videogames Blogs

Hearthstone’s Descent of Dragons Expansion Is Now Live and Blizzard Just Revealed Some Details for the Finale to This Year’s Solo Adventure Story Arc

Hearthstone (Free) version 16.0 started rolling out last week across PC and mobile platforms. This major update added support for the new expansion and the updated in-game shop. The update also brought updates to Battlegrounds. With the update and content on people’s devices already, the brand new Descent of Dragons expansion just went live in game bringing new card mechanics, loads of new cards, and Galakrond. Watch the trailer below:

Since the new in-game shop is live, make sure you login to get a Priest Hero and card back for free. Sylvanas Windrunner is a new hunter hero avaiable with a card back for $9.99 in the shop. The updates for Battlegrounds includes new heroes and minions with the ability to view advanced in game stats after you earn 10 or more card packs from today’s expansion. During the launch period, all players who login will be rewarded the five Galakrond cards and two Shield of Galakrond cards. A new legendary quest line begins today letting you earn card packs from the Descent of Dragons, Rise of Shadows, and Saviours of Uldum expansions.
The Year of the Dragon’s solo adventure arc will come to a conclusion in January with Galakrond’s Awakening. This will add 35 new cards as the you take on E.V.I.L. in January. Details for this story portion will be revealed in the near future. Have you been playing Hearthstone regularly or did the Battlegrounds mode get you back to trying it again"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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