Here’s How Much Better the GameClub Version of ‘Aralon: Sword and Shadow’ Looks Compared to the Original - Videogames Blogs

Here’s How Much Better the GameClub Version of ‘Aralon: Sword and Shadow’ Looks Compared to the Original

Just last week the folks over at GameClub introduced one of the most defining RPGs of the mobile era to their library when the resurrected Crescent Moon’s classic Aralon: Sword and Shadow. It was such a good feeling to redownload the updated version of Aralon and fire it up again for the first time in a very long time, and because it had been so long I couldn’t tell if it was just my imagination or if somehow the developers at GameClub were able to improve the graphics in the game, because to my eyes it sure seemed like a much richer and more detailed game world than it did the last time I played it. Well GameClub reached out to confirm that they indeed did provide some enhancements to Aralon. As I mentioned last week, one of my favorite things about Aralon is how it originally began as an ambitious project from two-person studio Galoobeth Games, who were experts at coding a robust RPG engine for mobile but weren’t so great at creating art. Crescent Moon stepped in to help them do an “Extreme RPG Makeover" on Aralon, which we documented in perhaps two of my favorite stories we’ve ever posted on TouchArcade.
First was a before and after showing screenshots from both versions, and next was a before and after showing the old and the new trailers. Both stories showed a downright shocking transformation from something that probably would have been passable in the early era of 3D gaming to something that looked unmatched on mobile device...
Source: Touch Arcade

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