Legendary Pokemon Probably Coming to 'Pokemon GO' This Summer - Videogames Blogs

Legendary Pokemon Probably Coming to 'Pokemon GO' This Summer

Despite what Game of Thrones would have you believe, summer is coming, and with it come many Pokemon GO [Free] players looking for more reasons to get out and play the still-popular game. Well, if we are to believe Niantic's global product marketing lead, Archit Bhargava, Pokemon GO players are about to have a "legendary" summer, and that can mean only one thing: Legendary Pokemon are coming to the game. Specifically, a few days ago in his brief acceptance speech during the Webby Awards, Bhargava simply said "This summer will be legendary" (go to minute 19:00 to see his acceptance speech). While I don't want to draw any definite conclusions from just five words, I think it's a relatively safe bet to say that he was referring to legendary Pokemon coming to the game.
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Pokemon GO was such a phenomenon that I'm sure many of you don't realize that it's only been around for less than a year, which will make its first anniversary the perfect time for the addition of legendary Pokemon to the game. And with the weather being conducive to the resurgence of Pokemon hunters, a summer full of legendary Pokemon will definitely be a good enough reason for many players to return to Pokemon GO. We'll let you know once we know more information about Niantic's plans. Would legendary Pokemon be enough for you to go back to the game if you're a lapsed player"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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