Nintendo and Cygames Just Announced a New Summon Showcase and Facility Event Titled ‘A Crescendo Of Courage’ With a Daily Free Summon Event Beginning Tomorrow for ‘Dragalia Lost’ - Videogames Blogs

Nintendo and Cygames Just Announced a New Summon Showcase and Facility Event Titled ‘A Crescendo Of Courage’ With a Daily Free Summon Event Beginning Tomorrow for ‘Dragalia Lost’

Dragalia Lost (Free) just recently hit 1.10.0 which is a pretty big update. If you haven’t played it in a while, read this for the update details and including some useful features and changes. Today, Nintendo and Cygames announced quite a few things as has been the case each week for the game. Before getting into the new announcements, Astral Raids will arrive in Event Quests from August 17th letting you fight previous raid bosses on weekends.

A daily free summon event begins tomorrow letting you summon once for free per day in the applicable summon showcase. This includes ‘A Splash of Adventure’ (Until August 14th) and the newly announced ‘A Crescendo of Courage’ (Until August 22nd) summon showcases. Summon showcase ‘A Crescendo of Courage’ begins tomorrow featuring an increased appearance rate for featured adventurers like Summer Cleo, Summer Verica, and the featured dragon Pop-Star Siren. This showcase ends nine days later. The facility event with the same name puts you up against bosses of the shadow element. It will go on until August 22nd and you will be able to build an event related reward facility.
Dragalia Lost is free to play on iOS and Android Read our review of it here. Check out our most recent Dragalia Lost guide here. Are you happy with the pace of new content and feature additions for Dragalia Lost"

Source: Touch Arcade

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