Facebook Instant Articles Now Support 360-Degree Videos and Photos - Videogames Blogs

Facebook Instant Articles Now Support 360-Degree Videos and Photos

Publishers using Facebook?s Instant Articles can now include 360-degree videos and 360-degree photos to their content.
Product manager Josh Roberts announced the new options in a Facebook Media blog post, saying that publishers can begin adding 360 videos and 360 photos as of Thursday, and they will be viewable via the latest versions of Facebook?s flagship Android and iOS applications.
He added that more interactive features will be introduced for Instant Articles ?in the coming months,? and elaborated on Thursday?s announcement:
Instant Articles is a complementary canvas for 360 media. Journalists and storytellers can share richer stories and paint more vivid scenes by joining 360 content with other Instant Articles elements that publishers are using to deliver their written, filmed and spoken narratives. Each Instant Article can contain multiple 360 photos and videos that readers can explore, share and comment on in the context of a story. Readers will see the 360 content in-line and have the option to navigate by turning their device or by tapping and dragging. Roberts also showed examples of the features in action from early adopters USA Today and Bild, adding that users with the latest Android or iOS Facebook app can access them via the Instant Articles page.
Readers: What are your thoughts on the addition of 360-degree videos and photos to Facebook Instant Articles"

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