Purrfect Date Lets You Date A Cat Without Jail Time - Videogames Blogs

Purrfect Date Lets You Date A Cat Without Jail Time

Purrfect Date is the newest in what seems to be a string of lighthearted visual novels this year, bringing a new romantic feline flavor. As the song states, 'if you try it in real life, you'll get sent to jail, but in the game it's fine!'. So, if you're into dark humor, cats and tons of replay value, pick up Purrfect Date!
Cat Island is the main stage of the story, a place where you'll be playing as a researcher trying to understand this cat-infested land mass. While doing so, you'll have to hone your skills through three stats - research, recon and stress. Can you balance your love life with your research, or will your choices come back to haunt you at the end of your journey" The island has many secrets to uncover, and only the most dedicated researchers will be able to find them.
With 6 cats to date, 6 humans to play, and 6 chapters to traverse and make choices in (which will be evaluated in the final seventh chapter), Purrfect Date is chock full of content. The game is also bursting with personality, whether it be its catchy theme song, the hilarious cast of cats (from Floofybutt to Kibbles) or the quick-witted dialogue. Players that are looking for something new in their visual novels should definitely give Purrfect Date a try.

You can purchase Purrfect Date on Steam here. You can also check out the official page, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube channel.

Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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