Where They Cremate The Roadkill - A Surrealist RPG Contemplation Of Images - Videogames Blogs

Where They Cremate The Roadkill - A Surrealist RPG Contemplation Of Images

"...when the real world is transformed into mere images...mere images become real beings..."

With this thought, Where They Cremate The Roadkill carries players into a vision of the absurd, one where they can explore the varied homeworlds of four playable beings, cause trouble for the smallest worm by fighting with any and everyone, or converse with the hundreds of beings that inhabit these striking lands.
Where They Cremate The Roadkill takes players through several distinct acts, having them become a telepath who tries to help the embodiment of insanity, or return to a primeval past to play as a quadruped foraging for food while a living cancer devours the world's flesh. All of this is presented through the game's surreal, absurdist worlds, creating thoughtful worlds to wander through as players contemplate the meaning of their acts and the imagery itself.
Players are welcome to scrap with the beings who live in this world, using the game's turn-based battle system to start a fight with just about anyone there. They can also work to understand these beings as well, speaking with the hundreds of beings spread across the game's open worlds.

Where They Cremate The Roadkill, beautiful in its shifting of reality into images that encourage introspection, offers a special play experience like few other RPGs, well worth it for a walk through its visions alone.

Where They Cremate The Roadkill is available for $11.99 on Steam.

Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

Xbox - April 2017 Games with Gold
