Bethesda Clarifies That Future Fallout 76 Seasons Content Updates Will Be Free
In a world of season passes and year-long content roll-outs, it isn?t out of the question to wonder how and what the price of said content will be. This gets even stickier when it comes to ?Games As a Service? styled games that attempt to provide huge chunks of content for older games, akin to Destiny, Fortnite, and especially Fallout 76. Publisher Bethesda made a big announcement last week in regards to the 2020 roadmap for the MMO/survival action game and showcased multiple major content drops coming in the horizon. What wasn?t mentioned by the release was any kind of potential price. Bethesda has clarified this statement now, providing some welcome transparency where usually there is smoke and mirrors. Have no fear, as Bethesda clarified that future Fallout 76 Seasons content updates will be free.
To clarify, our Seasons in Fallout 76 are going to be free for all our players. We may add extra Fallout 1st bonus rewards in the future, but want to focus on getting Season 1 in game first and seeing your thoughts.
Sorry for confusion on this.
? Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) May 20, 2020
This welcome news helps clear up a sticking point for many on forums such as the Fallout 76 subreddit where players wondered what, if anything, these new pieces of content might cost. After all, being free isn?t always a given, with the recent Civilization VI roadmap announcement being a perfect example of a developer planning long-term content that?s a mix of free and paid. Also ...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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