Borderlands 3 Will Allow PS4 Pro Owners to Choose Between 4K and 60fps - Videogames Blogs

Borderlands 3 Will Allow PS4 Pro Owners to Choose Between 4K and 60fps

Borderlands 3 is just around the corner from its September 13, 2019 release and new details continue to emerge about the upcoming installment in the series. This time, the new details pertain to the two different options that PlayStation 4 Pro owners will be able to choose between when playing the game.
Speaking to the US PlayStation Blog, Scott Velasquez, Online and Social Product Owner for Borderlands 3, elaborated on these options. He revealed that PlayStation 4 Pro owners will be able to choose to run the game in 4K resolution capped at 30 frames per second using the ?favor resolution? option, or in 1080p resolution capped at 60 frames per second using the ?favor performance? option.

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