Bungie Details Exotic Masterworks, Coming To Destiny 2 on May 8, Exotic Changes Detailed - Videogames Blogs

Bungie Details Exotic Masterworks, Coming To Destiny 2 on May 8, Exotic Changes Detailed

Bungie has been pivoting to make a Destiny 2 a hobby again, as opposed to the more casual-friendly game that keeps handing rewards to players. One of those big initiatives is Exotic Masterworks, specifically weapons. Coming on May 8, Exotic Masterworks will differ from legendaries in a pretty big way. Instead of earning them randomly, they require a chase that the community will have to discover. They will add a chase and a reason for players to log in and play specific activities.
Addressing the fact that most active–or even lapsed–players already have nearly every Exotic in the game at this point, Bungie made earning the upgraded version something that happens once you have your hands on the weapon.
There will be one Exotic Masterwork per Exotic weapon that exists so far in Destiny 2. In order to begin the Masterwork process, players will have to find an Exotic Masterwork Catalyst. When inspecting the Exotic, there will be a hint at what activities can grant the catalyst for that weapon. Not all Exotic Masterworks have the same drop rates. Some Exotic Masterwork weapons are guaranteed after a certain amount of engagement, while others are earned at random. Once acquired, the catalyst can be applied to immediately enable orb generation on double kills for the weapon. Exotic weapons with a catalyst applied will also start tracking enemies defeated, like their Legendary Masterwork weapon counterparts.
After applying the catalyst, there will be bounty-like object...
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