Daily Reaction: Media Molecule’s Dreams Needs to Find a Way to Monetize for Creators, Fix Perceptions of Game Development - Videogames Blogs

Daily Reaction: Media Molecule’s Dreams Needs to Find a Way to Monetize for Creators, Fix Perceptions of Game Development

You just went straight down into the comments, didn?t you" You read the title, got mad about the prospect of having to pay for ?content that should be free,? and probably posted some rant about the exploitative practices of the modern games industry. Thanks for that, commenter that isn?t even reading this! I knew this subject would ruffle some feathers, but I feel like it?s an important topic to talk about. For the rest of you who are still here, thank you for indulging me.
Dreams is an incredible piece of software, and now that we?ve got it available to the public in early access, we?re seeing some brilliant user creations come to life thanks to the imaginative minds working with it, including a fan remake of the original Metal Gear Solid, the opening of Marvel?s Spider-Man, and a bunch of other unique original creations. And this has all just been within the last month! Effectively an entire game engine available right on a home console, Dreams gives unprecedented access to creators like never before. We?re seeing the rise of accessibility in the creative space, but that also paves the way for a lot of issues that bubble up under the excitement.
One of the big things that Dreams has going for it is to be billed as a ?PS4 game.? It?s Media Molecule?s follow-up to LittleBigPlanet, right" It allows players to create games of their own and play around with other people?s creations. But at its core, people will still always think of it as a game, and that allows it...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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