Darkest Dungeon Review – Not Mentally Prepared (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Darkest Dungeon Review – Not Mentally Prepared (PS4)

Many of us joke that what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger when it comes to stress. Darkest Dungeon actually incorporates that into every fiber of its being. When you send your chosen party of four to crawl through a dungeon, you may think of how they come out of the abysmal place with a limp who will never adventure again. But you’ve never had to think about the level of stress they’ve been put under. How a certain fight might have tested their resolve. How, perhaps, a dire situation changed them for the worse. Or on the flip-side, how a triumphant situation improved their morale to the point that it’s changed their personality for the better. You will have to take into account all of this in Darkest Dungeon, almost moreso than each character’s well-being. By the end, you’ll wonder what truly is the darkest dungeon: the final crawl or the recesses of the mind. Test Your Mental Might
Darkest Dungeon tells the tale of one’s folly when seeking treasure, how it might just open up various portals to unimaginable horrors that have a need to kill everything in sight. The player inherits the mansion that spawned it all, and for some reason, this new owner feels the need to cleanse the world of these demonic terrors instead of making estate someone else’s problem. However, he’s not going to handle this personally. Why do that when there are plenty of adventurers he can send out to do it for him" They are practical...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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