Far Cry 5 Players Are Getting Checkpointed Into Death Loops
While modern gaming conveniences can be great, sometimes an issue comes along that might make you wish you still had the ability to manually save games on a good old-fashioned memory card. Some Far Cry 5 players are discovering unfortunate checkpoints in the moments before death. Often the death resulted from a fall, and the checkpoint occurs during the falling animation. Each time the game reloads, players find themselves immediately faced with a black and white screen featuring their character ragdolling across the ground.
The bad checkpoints have hit multiple players, with a few videos now hitting YouTube showing the Far Cry 5 death loop. Each seems to be in a different area, so it looks like Far Cry 5 doesn’t have any kind of autosave protection that puts players back on the ground in a safe place upon loading into the game.
One suggestion on Reddit told players to get a friend to join their game, but one user replied saying that their friend just got stuck in the same death animation. On the videos that have popped up showing the issue, numerous comments are indicating that the same thing has happened to them.
A comment on the Ubisoft forums suggests that players try to tap the PS button on their controller as fast as possible to force the game to pause as it loads in. From here, you should be able to tap the map button and fast travel out of the infinite death loop. Other users report that solution doesn’t work because they are too close to the ground ...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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