Hitman Dev Reflects on Episodic Launch: “There Was a Lot of Skepticism” - Videogames Blogs

Hitman Dev Reflects on Episodic Launch: “There Was a Lot of Skepticism”

To prepare for the physical release of Hitman – The Complete First Season, Square Enix and IO Interactive have detailed the game’s imminent January update.
Due to go live tomorrow, January 31, the patch will weigh in at 1.8GB on PS4 (8.1GB on Xbox One, 2GB on PC) and herald the arrival of a new difficulty level, HDR support and many features or improvements that were requested by the Hitman community. Full details of the January update, along with general technical improvements, can be found below.
In related news, MCV UK caught up with Christian Elverdam, Creative Director at IO Interactive, to discuss the future of Hitman. But first, Elverdam began by remembering the moment when IO announced plans to go episodic.
?We knew that doing this was likely to raise some eyebrows, both from our fans and from the gaming community as a whole. We expected that it would be up to us to prove why we thought an episodic format would work well for the sandbox-levels.? Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, Elverdam concedes that ?there was a lot of skepticism, which we expected, as we were doing something new.”
?I think it?s natural that some players were thinking ?Will this work"? or ?Will it be delayed"? and we proved that we have a good way of doing things. And I really love that people actually see the game for what it is. That was the major reason for doing the things we?re doing. How can we get people to appreciate a classic Hitman sandbox...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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