Infinity Ward Adding Reloading While Aiming Down the Sights to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Videogames Blogs

Infinity Ward Adding Reloading While Aiming Down the Sights to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

In many respects, Infinity Ward is still being pretty tight lipped about the upcoming release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Since its reveal this past May, information has emerged piecemeal. The latest bit of news, and it is indeed a bit, concerns a brand-new animation for the series. This may not sound like anything to write home about, yet it could make a huge difference both online and off. According to Animation Director, Mark Grigsby, Infinity Ward is adding in the ability to reload weapons while aiming down the sights.
Grigsby explained how the new feature will alter the moment-to-moment gameplay experience in a post on the Activision blog.

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