Kentucky Route Zero Physical Editions Found Through ARG, Will Include ‘Mystery Components,’ Soundtrack and “Mystery LP” Also Available to Order - Videogames Blogs

Kentucky Route Zero Physical Editions Found Through ARG, Will Include ‘Mystery Components,’ Soundtrack and “Mystery LP” Also Available to Order

The last episode of Kentucky Route Zero finally dropped, and with it the console version of the game as well. However, some people may want to own a physical copy of the game. Or, to put it in the game?s terms, something ?real.? So why not call the Department of Real" Sure enough, a phone number provided by the publisher leads to exactly that. If you call 1-858-943-6579 you?ll get a pre-recorded message by the Department of Real. After declaring a few things fake (including all forms of mice) and playing a morse code message that translates to SOS, the recording redirects you to where you can purchase physical editions of Kentucky Route Zero.
The physical editions come for either PlayStation 4 or Nintendo Switch. Instead of displaying the game?s artwork, which the listing says it will do at a later date, the images show what appears to be part of a mathematical equation. The descriptions for the physical editions claim they will include ?Secret Components? as well. You can also order the game?s soundtrack, which will come on two vinyls and will also give you the digital version. The description for the soundtrack claims it is ?Definitely the Official Soundtrack for Kentucky Route Zero,? just in case you had any doubts.
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