Latest TT Isle of Man Trailer Pays Tribute to Joey Dunlop

Legendary racer John McGuinness is back for another video on the upcoming TT Isle of Men: Ride on the Edge. This time around the racer, who has won the iconic motorcycle racing event an incredible 23 times throughout his career, pays tribute to Joey Dunlop. Dunlop’s motorcycle will be in the game for those that preorder, and it’s “your turn to surge to the top of the podium in these iconic red leathers and that unmistakable yellow helmet.”
Here’s a full feature list from publisher Bigben Games:
? A faithfully reproduction of the 37,73 miles and 264 bends of the Snaefell Mountain, which offers a race more longer and more difficult than all GP circuits
? 9 fantasy tracks to practice before facing the major race
? 23 riders and 40 official motorbikes
? Online competition for up to 8 players
? A career mode that allows you to unlock new motorbikes and win the legendary Isle of Man Tourist Trophy
Watch the full TT Isle of Man Joey Dunlop tribute below:
In case you missed it, publisher Bigben recently put out a poem for the racing game. Yes, a poem. It?s weird enough that you should probably read it:
She waits.
The Siren of the Irish Sea.
For the brave. For the fearless. For the bold. Seeking out their destiny.
In the heart of every rider. Her rhythm beats like a drum. The pulse of everything you trained for, of everything you have sacrificed and become.
In the heart of every fan. She draws you in, pounding at your soul, injec...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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