Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Mega Battle Review ? Nostalgia Hole (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Mega Battle Review ? Nostalgia Hole (PS4)

When the Power Rangers reboot movie was announced back in 2014, it wasn?t a surprise that at least one game developer would also begin work on a Power Rangers game in an attempt to ride the excitement and anticipation for the movie. And last October, Bandai Namco and Bamtang Games announced Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Mega Battle, a modern take on a classic 2D side scrolling beat-’em-up that?s based on the original TV show and ostensibly targeted at kids and fans of the ’90s show. Sadly, Bandai Namco and Bamtang Games have dropped the ball with this latest attempt at a Power Rangers game as, in spite all its inherent nostalgia, it just falls short at almost every corner.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle is a relatively short game, featuring only six chapters with three levels each. The chapters are based on some of the TV show?s classic episodes and feature some of the game?s iconic characters and villains including Zordon, Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, the Putties, and more. You can play as one of the six Rangers (including Tommy as either the Green or White Ranger) and can play with up to three friends in co-op. You?ll have to find friends to play with you at home though as the surprisingly game doesn?t offer online co-op, something that would have suited a game like this in 2017 where most multiplayer games are played online. Not as Bossy as You’d Think
Each of the game?s levels mostly feature classic beat-’em-up action against a var...
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