One of the Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Glitches Features Rapidly Spinning Cowboys - Videogames Blogs

One of the Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Glitches Features Rapidly Spinning Cowboys

One of the mot memorable glitches from the original Red Dead Redemption was the Cougar Man, a bizarre bug that caused a human model to take the place of a cougar. In a similar vein, there was also Birdman, a human character model that could be seen flapping its arms and flying through through the sky. In fact, many animals in the game could have their models replaced by humans, to horrifying effect.
With so many people playing Red Dead Redemption 2, players were bound to come across more hilarious glitches. One of the funniest so far is this bug where gravity seems to have entered some kind of twilight zone near the game’s third camp. As Arthur walks near the water we see one person begin to tilt awkwardly. Arthur follows suit, casually talking to Dutch as he goes from vertical to horizontal. A crazy spinning begins and Arthur hits Dutch’s legs, knocking him from reality into an insane horizontal spinning routine that is apparently how outlaws bond in 1899. You can watch the full video of the crazy Red Dead Redemption 2 glitch below.

Ok what the fuck"! #RDR2 #PS4share
? Russian Bot (@callme_mok) November 4, 2018

Despite funny glitches like these (or perhaps in some cases, because of them), Red Dead Redemption 2 is lauded as one of the best games of this generation and has been selling extraordinarily well. A lot of people who bought the game allegedly called in sick on launch day to play this massive titl...

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