Rainbow Six Siege’s 1.71 Update Increases Defuse Bomb Timer and Adds Unique SMG Recoil Animations - Videogames Blogs

Rainbow Six Siege’s 1.71 Update Increases Defuse Bomb Timer and Adds Unique SMG Recoil Animations

The latest update is now live in Tom Clancy?s Rainbow Six Siege and it introduces a host of balancing improvements, bug fixes, and more. The long list of patch notes feature various minor enhancements to the game?s Operators, level designs, and the overall user experience. Of note, SMGs have gotten their own unique recoil animations, and the defuse timer has been increased to 7 seconds across Ranked and Unranked playlists in the Bomb game mode.
Rainbow Six Siege is one of Ubisoft?s most successful games, with over 50 million players across all platforms, and millions of copies sold. And the current generation version of Siege may not be the last we see of the game, as Ubisoft is thinking about migrating it to the next generation of consoles.

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URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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