Saber Interactive Hints at the Possibility of a World War Z Sequel - Videogames Blogs

Saber Interactive Hints at the Possibility of a World War Z Sequel

Yesterday, THQ Nordic parent company Embracer Group announced its acquisition of Saber Interactive. Already the studio seems to be teasing the possibility of a World War Z follow-up. For now, Saber intends to continue supporting the online zombie adventure in its current state. Such ongoing support must persist if a sequel is indeed to go into production down the line.
In an earnings presentation with Embracer Group, Saber?s Co-founder and CEO, Matthew Karch, spoke of how well World War Z is performing, confirming sales of ?three or four million copies.? Apparently, the title maintains a devoted player-base, too, which continues to receive new content in updates. So far, Karch noted, ?it?s a great franchise for us, we see a lot of potential in the future.? Seemingly, that potential could result in a sequel, the CEO teased.
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