Super Mega Baseball 2 Review – Bases Loaded (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Super Mega Baseball 2 Review – Bases Loaded (PS4)

It?s been a long damn time since I dared venture outside of the baseball bubble otherwise known as MLB The Show. I mean, why would you ever want to" It?s the gaming comfort food that never disappoints, no matter how many times you step up to the plate. Plus, when the only other annual option is the disaster-bacle known as R.B.I. Baseball, it is fairly easy to understand why. So imagine my shock to learn that not only is there another baseball game releasing this spring, but that it also had the potential to be legitimately good! Despite sounding like a fictitious game title from an Onion article, Super Mega Baseball 2 ends up making a solid first impression and only improves with time.
A Long Drive
Remember the good old days when baseball games never bothered licensing player likenesses or team names" When I was a kid I couldn’t have given two shits whether I was leading off with Mark McGwire or Bobson Dugnutt (seriously, that?s the name of an actual player in EA Sports? Fighting Baseball). All that mattered was stepping into the batters’ box with a player who could knock the cover off of the ball and make my siblings look silly in the process. Super Mega Baseball 2 falls into the similar retro rut of forgoing any professional athletes, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, if it had been released during my childhood, it would have absolutely been in the summer sport rotation. For the more casual baseball fan, Super Mega Baseball 2 i...

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