The Day One Patch Notes for Battlefield V Will Be 135 Pages Long

Day one patches have become a common and expected occurrence, especially among bigger AAA titles. Battlefield V won’t be an exception. In fact, Battlefield fans should anticipate a meaty launch day patch for the forthcoming entry. This is according to DICE’s Multiplayer Producer David Sirland, who recently took to Twitter and revealed that day one patch notes for Battlefield V will fill 135 pages.
Sirland posted the following to his personal Twitter page:
Release/Launch notes – final draft. It’s going massive. I don’t think I’ll beat this for a while… @JaqubAjmal
? David Sirland (@tiggr_) November 6, 2018
When asked by a fan if the going over the content would be easier in video format, Sirland said such a process would take even more time.
That would take us forever, this document we can work on on the side for 2 weeks or so. For future patchnotes (that are obviously much much smaller, sure).
For this one, consider it a gift from us to you content people out there :).
? David Sirland (@tiggr_) November 6, 2018
Addressing another fan question, Sirland added that DICE hopes to have the patch notes ready for public consumption by November 8, 2018. Should this happen, expect the notes to be available in English.
If the page count is any indication, the day one patch could be quite massive. Thankfully, preloading opportunities will allow players to download the base game before launch, leaving them with ...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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