Trophy Theory: Trophies, What Are They Good For" - Videogames Blogs

Trophy Theory: Trophies, What Are They Good For"

It has recently come to my attention that not everyone understands PlayStation trophies. I wish I could say that I’m surprised, but there are those out there that simply hate fun and that’s all there is to it. All kidding aside, this is a legitimate question that I quite often get when people find out that I am a trophy hunter. Why do we do it" In other words: trophies, what are they good for" Absolutely…something.
Trophies serve some very particular roles for developers and gamers alike, but it is first important to understand some of the reasons that people may look at you when you tell them how many trophies you have, and ask that looming question “What are they good for"”
Absolutely Nothing
Who can say why they don’t like trophies better than those that don’t like them" These are some actual comments received since I started the Trophy Theory column a month ago. “I don’t like trophy hunting its pointless you get nothing for it”
“All trophies are pointless online or offline. Just a marketing tool to make you think a game is better value than it is. If you like a game play it for the enjoyment not to hunt down some elusive or easy trophy.”
“I don’t see the point in [trophies]”
Many people find trophies to be an immaterial victory, an extraneous reward that adds literally nothing to the game and instead has such a psychological ...

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