Fortnite and Travis Scott Present: Astronomical | PS4

An other-worldly experience like nothing you?ve ever seen is coming April 23-25. A one of a kind musical journey and the world premiere of a brand new Travis Scott track.
Complete Travis Scott?s Astronomical Challenges to earn the RAGE emote, Astro Antidote Spray, and Astrothunder Loading Screen.
Don?t miss Travis Scott?s Astronomical featuring the world premiere of a brand new track!
Earn the Astrothunder Loading Screen as part of Travis Scott?s Astronomical challenges.
Purchase the new Astronomical Bundle to unlock the Travis Scott and Astro Jack Outfits and their Styles, with a discount of up to 1000 V-Bucks off!
This right here is astronomical
The big day is almost here!
Grab the Astroworld Cyclone Glider when you experience Travis Scott?s Astronomical on 4/23 at 7PM ET!
The time is now. Doors have opened as we prepare for Travis Scott?s Astronomcical, join the experience and grab the Cosmic Revolution Loading Screen
Get the Astroworld Cyclone Glider Free
Blast off into a one of a kind musical journey featuring Travis Scott and the world premiere of a brand new track.
Attend any of the Astronomical events to score the Astroworld Cyclone Glider and two loading screens for free!
Source: PlayStation
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Solace Dynamic Theme - Release Trialer | PS4 |