‘Arena of Valor’ News: AWC 2019 Dates, Amily’s New Clothes, And The iOS Test Server - Videogames Blogs

‘Arena of Valor’ News: AWC 2019 Dates, Amily’s New Clothes, And The iOS Test Server

Arena of Valor news this week has centered mostly on skin reveals over on the Garena test servers. That being said, due to the random nature of these skins appearing on other servers, we won?t be featuring them here until they?re officially confirmed for a western release. We can?t stop you finding them, but we?ll only be focusing on what we know will arrive across the pond in the near future.
It?s time for your 49th Arena of Valor news roundup. We?re getting shockingly close to a full year of these, now! If you?re an active reader, or even just here for the first time this week, you have my thanks!
AWC 2019 Dates And Teams Revealed

Even before Valor Series 3 kicked off, we knew the stakes. Competitors were fighting for their place in the Summer?s biggest worldwide Arena of Valor tournament ? the AWC. We knew the location ? Vietnam ? but not the date. And we wouldn?t for several months; until today. Making the announcements across any and all social platforms they could, Tencent and Garena have finally revealed the AWC 2019 dates. Almost, anyway.
According to the official website, the 2019 Arena of Valor World Cup will take place in Vietnam?s city of Da Nang from the ?end of June to mid-July?. That?s right; there?s still no specific date. The event is just over a month away, yet it seems venue dates haven?t been fully locked in. If you?re hoping to travel down for the event, you might still want to hold off booking unless you can afford to add a 1-2 week buffer on your sta...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Nintendo Direct Mini 3.26.20
