‘Arena of Valor’ News: Roxie, Breakthrough Esport Awards, And The Biggest Heroes of AWC

It’s been almost an entire week since the Arena of Valor World Cup came to a close. We’ve talked about that whole thing a little too much over the last few weeks, so we’ll let Eli’s first-hand experience of the Grand Final fill you in on the details as we dive right into this week’s hottest Arena of Valor news. There’s no sketchy skins or animations to talk about this week; just a new long-awaited hero, an award, and the three most consistently used and abused heroes from the AWC. Ok, yeah, we’re talking about the tournament still.
Roxie Rolls Into Arena of Valor
Continuing the trend of releasing characters we’ve been seeing on foreign YouTube videos for months, Roxie has finally come to the Worldwide servers. Being another warrior/tank combo means we’re going another two weeks without a shiny new support hero ? but at least this time the tank character isn’t almost literally a tank. She costs the usual 18,888 Gold and arrives with the Detective alternate skin. Roxie fills in both of these roles well depending on her item choices, dishing out damage when needed, or asking as a bit of a bullet sponge when you need to put a stop on the enemy team’s advances. As ever, there’s a hero spotlight video for some second-hand gameplay experience, but there’s not too much to read up on here. She’s fairly balanced across the board when it comes to stats, so building her to match the situation a...
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