‘Civilization VI’ Full Game Unlock and ‘Rise and Fall’ Get a Huge Discount to Celebrate the Release of ‘Gathering Storm’ on iOS - Videogames Blogs

‘Civilization VI’ Full Game Unlock and ‘Rise and Fall’ Get a Huge Discount to Celebrate the Release of ‘Gathering Storm’ on iOS

Aspyr Media released the first big expansion to the superb Civilization VI (Free) for iOS in the form of Rise and Fall a while ago. Yesterday, the second major expansion to Civilization VI arrived on iOS in the form of Gathering Storm. To celebrate this, the full game unlock and Rise and Fall get big discounts on iOS. While the full game unlock already dropped since the launch price of $59.99 Watch the trailer for Gathering Storm below:

Civilization VI Gathering Storm is already available as an in app purchase for the full game priced at $39.99. Rise and Fall is discounted for the first time by 50% off to $14.99. The full game unlock is at its lowest price ever at just $4.99 on iOS. It is worth noting that the various other DLC packs like the Nubia Pack and the Poland Pack are still $4.99 and higher. If you’ve not tried the base game yet, read our original review of the iPad version. We chose it as our Game of the Week when it released. The port is free to try for 60 turns and universal so give it a shot to see how it runs on your iOS device at least but at just $4.99, this is a no brainer purchase. Did you play Rise and Fall already or are you jumping in with this discount"
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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