‘Command & Conquer: Rivals’ Guide: How to Conquer PvP and Play Longer for Free

If you’re a gamer of a certain age, you undoubtedly have either fond or frustrating memories of the Command & Conquer series of real-time strategy (RTS) games. Maybe even both, depending on how you managed to stack up against your friends. Since every old video game brand is one just waiting to be dusted off at the right time, EA has decided the time is right for Command & Conquer: Rivals (Free) to scratch the mobile RTS itch you didn’t know you have.
First things first: If you’re going to be all “How dare you ruin my childhood like this, EA"" then you probably don’t need to read on. It’s a fair sentiment for, um, some of the things we’ve seen from the company in the past, but Command & Conquer: Rivals is actually a pretty respectful take on the brand, albeit one tailored specifically for quick, fast-paced PvP matches on a whole lot less overall real estate than you might be used to from the genre. It’s actually pretty clever, for lack of a more colorful adjective. But since it’s all PvP and definitely free-to-play in all the best and most annoying senses, you’ll want to figure out how to not suck too badly and play for the least amount of money possible while still being able to put up a fight. Fortunately, we’re the helpful types here, so let’s see what Rivals is all about.
Command & Conquer: Rivals Tips for Beginners
The object of a match of C&C: Rivals is about as simpl...
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