‘Death Come True’ from the Creator of ‘Danganronpa’ Just Got Updated Fixing Its Biggest Localization Problem

Death Come True ($15.99) from Too Kyo Games featuring Kazutaka Kodaka (the creator Danganronpa) and Izanagi Games is a sci-fi mystery FMV game that is currently available on iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. It arrives later this month on PC via Steam and in the future on PS4. It was originally revealed last year and I enjoyed my time with it on iOS. Read my review of it here. My biggest complaint was the lack of subtitles for certain things in-game and for the bonus content. An update on iOS went live today fixing this. Here’s a screenshot from DeathTube with subtitles.
Barring the DeathTube videos that all have subtitles now, even one important in-game phone message (among other things) now has a subtitle because the text displayed was only in Japanese before. I’m glad to see this update arrive so soon but this should’ve been in the game right from the start. If you’re interested in checking it out, you can buy Death Come True on the App Store for iOS here and on Google Play for Android here. Check out our forum thread for the game here. Did you end up playing it yet or were you waiting for the subtitle fixes"
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