‘Diablo III: Eternal Collection’ First Impressions – Excellent Port of a Game That Is Perfect for Switch - Videogames Blogs

‘Diablo III: Eternal Collection’ First Impressions – Excellent Port of a Game That Is Perfect for Switch

When Diablo III made the jump to PS3 and 360, most people were skeptical about the visuals and the controls. Thankfully, Blizzard nailed the controls with various tweaks to make the game that was built for keyboard and mouse work great on a gamepad. The game eventually became quite the couch co-op phenomenon on consoles and even saw great ports to PS4 and Xbox One. Blizzard finally brings Diablo to Switch in the Eternal Collection that has been ported by Iron Galaxy who also ported Skyrim. Read Eli’s impressions of Skyrim on Switch here.

Diablo III: Eternal Collection includes the base game, the Reaper of Souls expansion, the Rise of the Necromancer DLC, and exclusive Switch cosmetics and amiibo support. It also has the advantage of including all the fixes and additions the game saw for years on other platforms and is the most polished the release yet. When it comes to exclusive content, you get Ganondorf armor, a pet, some wings, and amiibo support in addition to what the Switch hardware offers thanks to the various gameplay and control options. While it already is a great couch co-op game on other consoles, the Switch offers a lot more with local wireless support and even single screen single Joy-con play. It is pretty mindblowing that you can play with a friend using a single Joy-con each on the same small Switch screen in tabletop mode. Local wireless lets you team up with friends on their own Switches locally to play together. So far both the local wireles...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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