‘Diablo Immortal’ Enters a Limited Technical Alpha Test and Tons of New Details are Revealed - Videogames Blogs

‘Diablo Immortal’ Enters a Limited Technical Alpha Test and Tons of New Details are Revealed

It’s been just over two years since Blizzard announced Diablo Immortal, a mobile-exclusive entry in the legendary action RPG franchise, during BlizzCon 2018 to a? less than enthusiastic audience in attendance. While that audience certainly included folks who just plain hated the idea of a free to play Diablo for mobile (Ew! Mobile!), a lot of the animosity was also because a lot of people really wanted Blizzard to announce Diablo IV but instead they capped off BlizzCon with the mobile-only Diablo Immortal announcement. Way to read the room Blizzard! Just kidding, I love you guys.
Anyway, Blizzard definitely got the message and so fast-forward a year later to BlizzCon 2019 and it was ALL about Diablo IV with an official reveal, gameplay trailers, and tons of info. They didn’t forget about Diablo Immortal though, and while it wasn’t exactly a main focus of the show, they did release an updated gameplay trailer and a blog post with tons of new details about the game, like the fact that storyline-wise it took place in between Diablo II and Diablo III. Here is last year’s BlizzCon trailer, in case you need a refresher.
So that brings us to today, a day in the pandemic-stricken world of 2020 that saw the in-person BlizzCon event for this year cancelled and reborn as an online-only event called BlizzConline set for this coming February. That means we haven’t had our normal yearly dose of Blizzard news as of yet, but the team behind Diablo Immo...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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