‘Disgaea RPG’ from ForwardWorks Is Getting a Global Release in Spring 2021 for iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

‘Disgaea RPG’ from ForwardWorks Is Getting a Global Release in Spring 2021 for iOS and Android

Disgaea RPG from ForwardWorks and Nippon Ichi Software was announced for Japan a long time ago. It finally released on iOS and Android for free and was soon taken offline before becoming available once again. Disgaea RPG is a free to play mobile take on Nippon Ichi Software’s excellent Disgaea franchise. Disgaea RPG has now been announced for a global release though Boltrend Games. Boltrend Games recently released Idola Phantasy Star Saga and announced a global release for Arc the Lad R. Watch the original Japanese trailer for Disgaea RPG below:

If you’ve never played a Disgaea game before, the series is most known for over the top strategy with hilarious storylines and a lot of very big numbers. The definitive version of the first Disgaea game is available on iOS and Android in the form of Disgaea 1 Complete. Read my review of it here. There are more Disgaea games on PS4 and Nintendo Switch if you’d like to sample the series there before playing Disgaea RPG. A closed beta for Disgaea RPG is planned for next month in Canada, Brazil, Australia, and the Philippines. Disgaea RPG will launch globally in Spring 2021 for iOS and Android. Check out the official website for the global release here and the Facebook page here. Disgaea RPG is currently available now on both iOS and Android in Japan for free. If you’d like to check it out using a Japanese iTunes account or on Google Play there, you can download it for free here on iOS and here on Android...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Bullet Age - Teaser Trailer - Nintendo Switch
