‘Don’t Let Go – Free Falling’ Review – Why Run When You Can Fall" - Videogames Blogs

‘Don’t Let Go – Free Falling’ Review – Why Run When You Can Fall"

Endlessly falling into oblivion, grasping firmly to your partner’s hands, your momentum shifts and you begin to spin wildly out of control. A set of mines is approaching. Working against the force of your spinning, you miraculously regain control and narrowly miss each set of incoming mines. In the distance you see a platform speeding towards you. The only path through is a small hole in the center. You take a deep breath, begin to arch your back in a last ditch effort to fit… and somehow manage to slip past the platform unscathed. The enjoyment of this victory is momentary: the next challenge is mere seconds away. Relaxation isn’t an option.
Don’t Let Go – Free Falling (Free), developed by Alimote ApS, is a “hardcore endless faller" in which you adjust the position of two humanoids (think wooden drawing figures) grasping to one another only by their hands. You’ll find a multitude of obstacles with different attributes obstructing you path, all needing to be evaded. Your sole goal is survival. This world is out to get you. The mixture of speed and tension will likely resonate amongst fans of Thumper ($4.99) and Race The Sun ($4.99). While it’s eons away from “rhythm horror", Don’t Let Go presents multiple opportunities that land near Thumper’s tension-filled moment-to-moment gameplay.
Anxiety begins to seep within as the droning soundtrack begins to slowly build up and an immersive sense of speed g...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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