‘Dota Underlords’ Gets a New Weekly Paper in Game for Battle Pass Owners with New Challenges, Puzzles, and Rewards - Videogames Blogs

‘Dota Underlords’ Gets a New Weekly Paper in Game for Battle Pass Owners with New Challenges, Puzzles, and Rewards

After the full launch of Dota Underlords (Free) for iOS, Android, and PC platforms, Valve has been updating it each week with various fixes and balance changes in addition to new content. It is still surprising to me that the game released on iOS and Android at the same time as the PC version on Steam. This week’s update went live earlier today and it brings a new weekly newspaper for Battle Pass owners. The Early Bird is a new weekly paper with challenges to complete to unlock rewards. This includes a weekly Puzzle, Streetfight, and Objective. The update also has various underlord and hero changes.
If you’re interested in playing Dota Underlords on mobile, check it out on the App Store here and Google Play here for free. Dota Underlords on iOS and Android has full cross platform play and progression across mobile and PC platforms once you link you Steam account and login. What do you think of Dota Underlords on iOS and Android so far"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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