‘Dragalia Lost’ A Wish to the Winds Event Revealed, Half-Stamina Event Now Live - Videogames Blogs

‘Dragalia Lost’ A Wish to the Winds Event Revealed, Half-Stamina Event Now Live

Nintendo’s Dragalia Lost (Free) has been consistently getting content each week in the form of gifts, new events, or summon showcases. It is doing pretty well in USA and Japan as well but we have no information for other region launches yet. This week’s Dragalia Lost update has three bits of news involving new events, updates, and more.

The Kindness and Captivity raid Event sees its epilogue finally added to the game. The raid event just concluded and the epilogue is available until November 19th at 2 AM. Tap the banner on the top left of the home menu to view this epilogue assuming you finished up to Chapter 5 of the event’s story. A Wish to the Winds is a new facility event that will begin on November 15th (or late night on November 14th depending on your timezone). This event will see adventurers take on water element bosses. You neeed to have completed the same story chapters as previous events to participate and for multiplayer which is Chapter 2, 2-1 (Normal) of the main story. The Elemental Ruins Half-Stamina event has just begun and the elemental stamina requirement for Elemental Ruins quests has been halved for the duration of this event. It concludes on November 19th at 2 AM.
I’m still very impressed at the pace at which content is added to the game. While you still need to use another iTunes account or sideload it for Android, the game is well worth your time so far. Dragalia Lost is free to play on iOS and Android Read our review...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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