‘Dragalia Lost’ Springtime Spree Summon Showcase And Skyborne Spectacle Raid Event Announced With Big Login Bonus - Videogames Blogs

‘Dragalia Lost’ Springtime Spree Summon Showcase And Skyborne Spectacle Raid Event Announced With Big Login Bonus

Dragalia Lost (Free) had quite the weekend with two announcements and showings at Tokaigi 2019 and Taipei Game Show 2019. The team at Cygames is beginning this week with two new event announcements and a big login bonus for all players who logged in before yesterday. The Summon Showcase that begins later this week is the Springtime Spree Summon Showcase while the Raid Event is the Skyborne Spectacle Raid Event.

Before getting into the events, all players who started the game before January 28th at 2:00 will get 1500 Wyrmite. This is pretty great as a free bonus. This bonus will be available until February 4th at 1:59 (depending on your timezone this maybe on February 3rd late at night). The Sprintime Spree Summon Showcase begins on January 31st at 1:00 with an increased appearance rate for featured adventurers, dragons, and wyrmprints. This Showcase ends on February 14th at 1:59 AM. The Skyborne Spectacle Raid Event begins at the same time as the Summon Showcase and it lets you partner up in co-op to take on the water element raid boss.
Dragalia Lost is free to play on iOS and Android Read our review of it here. Because I get asked about it each time on Twitter and here, there is still no news for more countries to be added to the supported countries list in game. If you still want to play it, you may as well make a USA iTunes account or side load it on Android. While Nintendo is adding more regions to Fire Emblem Heroes next month, no plans have been announced for Draga...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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