‘Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee’ Review – A Beautiful Game, but Not for Everyone - Videogames Blogs

‘Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee’ Review – A Beautiful Game, but Not for Everyone

Some games are good. Really good, even, and you know you’ll play them for hours and hours. Other games maybe need a bit of work, a bit of spit & polish, and they could be good. Then there are some games I really want to love and enjoy and recommend but, for one reason or another, I just? can’t. Dungeon of the Endless ($7.99) is one of those. Not because it’s bad, but because it just? doesn’t capture my attention, can’t keep me coming back for run after run, even after months of not playing. It’s not immediately obvious why, either?the art is gorgeous, the soundtrack is good, and the minute to minute gameplay is quite enjoyable too. So what is it" Why, despite owning the game on three different platforms and trying to get into it dozens of times, does it consistently fail to draw me in, push me to really dig in to strategies, and finally beat the game" The answer, I’ve come to find, is simple: The post-run reward loop that gets you to come back for one more floor, to experiment with that thing you just unlocked, or to see if tweaking your strategy just so makes the difference, just? isn’t there. Now, to backtrack, Dungeon of the Endless, if this is the first you’ve heard of it, is a roguelike tower defense. Players choose a team of two prisoners and an escape pod, and must ascend through twelve floors of a dungeon filled with a variety of overly enthusiastic defense forces, as well as other prisoners (w...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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