‘EVE: Echoes’ is the Mobile Version of ‘EVE Online’ and it’s Coming to iOS and Android in 2019 - Videogames Blogs

‘EVE: Echoes’ is the Mobile Version of ‘EVE Online’ and it’s Coming to iOS and Android in 2019

Last year at the EVE: Online conference EVE Vegas developer CCP Games unveiled what they were calling Project Aurora, which was being co-developed with Playraven and was intended to be an EVE-like experience massively condensed down for mobile devices. That game has since got an official title, EVE: War of Ascension, and the last we have heard is that it was being published by Kongregate and supposed to launch before the end of 2018. Well, now a year later and EVE Vegas 2018 has just kicked off and one of their major new announcements is another mobile EVE project, this time being built in conjunction with Netease. The game was actually formally (and possibly accidentally) announced this past June as Project Galaxy, but it is now known by its official name EVE: Echoes.
Here’s how CCP themselves describes EVE: Echoes from their official announcement page:
“Authentic to the EVE universe that players know and love, EVE: Echoes will let players venture deep into space, to write not only their own history, but that of the galaxy itself. Whether engaging in interstellar combat, trade, or exploration, as well as many other activities across thousands of planetary systems, players will be free to experience hallmark EVE gameplay on their preferred mobile device.
The game will utilize NetEase Games? proprietary graphics engine, NeoX, in combination with CCP?s game design to realize stunning starry skies, boundless star-fields, majestic planets and unpredictable ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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