‘Final Fantasy’, ‘Chrono Trigger’, ‘Valkyrie Profile’ and ‘Dragon Quest’ Ports on iOS Are Discounted for a Limited Time

It has been a while since the last sale but Square Enix is back with a huge sale on iOS with Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and more discounted for a limited time. Ever since Square Enix started bringing its top tier classics to iOS, I’ve slowly been getting them all. I most recently got the fantastic Dragon Quest VIII on iOS despite it not being as good as the 3DS version. In some cases, the mobile versions are the best way to play some of these classics. Shaun has been reviewing the Dragon Quest games and I know we all hope that Square Enix eventually localises Dragon Quest VII on iOS in the West. Check out the full list of Final Fantasy games discounted below:
Final Fantasy I ($3.99)
Final Fantasy II ($3.99)
Final Fantasy III ($6.99)
Final Fantasy III iPad ($7.99)
Final Fantasy IV ($6.99)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years ($6.99)
Final Fantasy V ($6.99)
Final Fantasy VI ($6.99)
Final Fantasy Dimensions II ($6.99)
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions ($6.99)
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions iPad ($7.99)
Chrono Trigger and Valkyrie Profile are also discounted.
Chrono Trigger ($4.99)
Vakyrie Profile Lenneth ($8.99)
For Dragon Quest, most of these ports are the best way to experience these classic games. Check out the list below:
Dragon Quest ($1.99) Review / Forum Thread
Dragon Quest 2 ($2.99) Review / Forum Thread
Dragon Quest 3 ($6.99) Review / Forum Thread
Dragon Quest 4 ($9.9...
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