‘Fire Emblem Heroes’ Version 4.0.0 Is Now Available Adding Book IV of the Main Story, Mjolnir’s Strike Event, Updates for Aether Raids, and More - Videogames Blogs

‘Fire Emblem Heroes’ Version 4.0.0 Is Now Available Adding Book IV of the Main Story, Mjolnir’s Strike Event, Updates for Aether Raids, and More

Fire Emblem Heroes (Free) remains Nintendo’s most successful mobile game and it is pretty clear why. It keeps getting updated with new content and is great to play on mobile. Today, Intelligent Systems and Nintendo released version 4.0.0 for it on iOS and Android that brings many new features and adds support for upcoming content. All of this was revealed in a new Feh Channel broadcast that aired a few hours ago. This broadcast also showcased the opening for Book IV of the main story. Watch the opening video below:

Version 4.0.0 brings support for Book IV of the main story that begins soon. It also adds Mjolnir’s Strike which is a new event. Aether Raids and Aether Resort have been updaed with new weapon skills and weapons to refine. Book IV sees the Order of Heroes enter the realm of dreams to confornt the beings in the realm of nightmares. Book IV goes live in game tonight and you can earn Mythic Hero Peony after Chapter 1: Part 5. Mjolnir’s Strike begins on December 8th letting players cooperate to protect the Kingdom of Askr from Thorr’s army. In terms of quality of life features, you can now learn and change skills right from a Hero’s profile screen. Watch the full Feh Channel broadcast for today below:
Fire Emblem Heroes continues to improve with each update alongside Dragalia Lost. I can’t wait to see how both of them evolve in 2020 because every other Nintendo mobile release has been disappointing for me in some way...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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