‘Gloom: Digital Edition’, the Digital Adaptation of the Darkly Humorous Card Game, is Now Available on iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

‘Gloom: Digital Edition’, the Digital Adaptation of the Darkly Humorous Card Game, is Now Available on iOS and Android

Just about 4 years ago developer Sky Ship Studios set out to create a digital version of the popular table top game Gloom from designer Keith Baker and Atlas Games. They ran a successful crowdfunding campaign during the summer of 2016 and then, about two years later, the digital version of Gloom was released on Steam. Hooray! But the story doesn’t end there, because part of the promise from the crowdfunding campaign was to also bring digital versions of Gloom to both iOS and Android. Well as you probably know, these types of things always take longer than you think they will, and so nearly two years after the Steam launch of Gloom the iOS and Android versions have officially launched to the public this week. Gloom for everybody!
But wait, what the heck is Gloom, anyway" Well as I said previously, it was originally a physical card game designed by Keith Baker and published by Atlas Games back in 2004. Its premise is? well, it’s pretty gloomy, to be honest. Each player takes control of one family in the form of 5 character cards and then is dealt a hand of 5 playable cards. The overall goal is to play cards that have a negative impact on your own family in the hopes that enough negative impact will eventually kill them. That’s? not nice. At the same time, you’re trying to play cards with positive impacts on the family members of your opponents so that they don’t have a chance to die off. Once a player’s entire family has perished the ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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