‘Gogogo!’ is a Mini-Game Party Game Played on a Single Device, Currently Looking for Beta Testers
I’ve mentioned many times before that I’m a big fan of party games that utilize smartphones and tablets. There’s nothing quite like being able to whip out a phone and die laughing playing Heads Up with a friend, or getting a spontaneous Space Team session going while hanging out with a group of friends. Ahhh, remember hanging out with friends" The Good Old Days. Anyway, yeah, I just love the idea of having a fun party game at the ready on my phone and knowing that whenever or wherever I’m at a bunch of laughs with other people can be just moments away. So because of my affinity of that particular type of game, I’m alllllll about a new upcoming game called Gogogo! from animator turned solo game developer Robert Thomson. It’s a game for anywhere between 3 and 16 players and it can be played on just a single phone, and there’s no internet or game pieces or other elements required to have a rousing tournament of mini-game battles with your friends. You can see a full explanation of Gogogo! as well as examples of the game’s 50 different mini-games in the following trailer.
Oh, did I mention that I am a major fan of Robert’s animation style" Because omg I am. Anyway, Gogogo! seems like a really fun collection of games that all utilize different skill sets of the players, as well as the various features available on a smart device, in really clever ways. If this is the sort of thing that’s up your alley, ...
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