‘Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories’ Updated with Support for New iOS Devices - Videogames Blogs

‘Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories’ Updated with Support for New iOS Devices

The Rockstar gods are certainly smiling upon us as today the iOS version of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories ($6.99) has received an update adding support for the latest iOS device screen sizes, namely the iPhone X line and the new iPad Pro. This is exciting because as you might remember Rockstar initially began updating their library of iOS games for these new screen sizes with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas back in May of last year. It took more than five months for them to release another update though, that being full screen support for Max Payne Mobile the following October. Then it took another four months for another update to come, this time Grand Theft Auto: Vice City just last month. Since then though" Rockstar has been rapid-fire releasing updates, with Bully Anniversary Edition receiving an update within two weeks of Vice City and now Liberty City Stories receiving its update today, less than two weeks out from that Bully update.
If my finger-counting method is correct, that leaves just two Rockstar iOS games that need modern screen updates: Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. I love GTA III and it’s fun to see the roots of where open world sandbox games came from, and to see the improvements that came with the follow-ups Vice City, San Andreas, and Liberty City Stories. But man, all I really want is Chinatown Wars to get an update. That is just such a fun and unique GTA game. And hey, maybe Rockstar could find ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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