‘Horizon Chase’ Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Special Event and Unlockable Car Skin and 60% Off Sale - Videogames Blogs

‘Horizon Chase’ Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Special Event and Unlockable Car Skin and 60% Off Sale

It’s hard to believe that it’s been five whole years since Aquiris Game Studio launched Horizon Chase, a retro-inspired racing game that literally started its life under the tentative title of Project Retro-Racer. Horizon Chase blew our dang minds when it first arrived, with its decidedly retro-inspired roots but its modern sensibilities that made it feel like the kind of game that someone in 1985 would have envisioned existing in the year 2015. We gave Horizon Chase 5 stars in our review and chose it for our Game of the Week when it released, and it has remained one of our very favorite arcade racers in the years since.
Apparently we aren’t alone in feeling that way, as this week marks the 5th anniversary of Horizon Chase and along with it comes the news that the game has been downloaded a whopping 50 million times since its release. Dats allota downloads! To celebrate these major milestones, there’s a special Weekly Challenge running in Horizon Chase where if you complete all of the event’s challenges you’ll be able to unlock this frickin sweet all black version of the game’s Cruiser race car. Check it out in this new trailer.
Long-time players of Horizon Chase will likely remember the two major content updates released following its launch. First was the Australia Cup update on its 1st anniversary, and then there was the Hawaii Cup update in the spring of 2018. It was about that time that Aquiris focused on the console an...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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